
Übersicht der Beiträge von den Tagungsbänden der Passivhaustagungen von 2011 bis 2014

Jahr NR Arbeitsgruppe Autor(en) Titel Seitenzahl (dt. Ausgabe) Arbeitsgruppe (engl.) Titel (engl.) Seitenzahl (engl. Ausgabe)
2014 18 Grußwort Remmel, Johannes Grußwort 9 Plenary Greeting 9
2014 18 Grußwort Philipp, Marcel Grußwort 11 Greeting Greeting 11
2014 18 Grußwort Schneider, Lothar Grußwort 13 Greeting Greeting 13
2014 18 Plenum Bottermann, Heinrich Das Passivhaus - ein bewährter Baustandard auf dem Weg zur Energiewende 61 Greeting Passive House – a building standard on the path to the energy transition 57
2014 18 Plenum Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana Energy efficient buildings - an important opportunity to mitigate climate challenge Greeting Energy efficient buildings - an important opportunity to mitigate climate challenge
2014 18 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus ist mehr… 65 Greeting Passive House is more… 61
2014 18 Plenum Leidinger, Ulrike; Wendel, Eckhard Die Stadt Aachen - Auf dem Weg zum Passivhaus 75 Plenary The City of Aachen - on the way to Passive House 71
2014 18 AG I Murschall, Hartmut Energieeffizientes Bauen in NRW: Landespolitisches Streben und Unterstützen 81 Session I Energy efficiency in North-Rhine-Westphalia: political commitment and support 77
2014 18 AG I Linder, Mathias 10 Jahre Erfahrungen der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. mit öffentlichen Gebäuden in Passivhaus-Qualität 85 Session I The City of Frankfurt: 10 years of experience with public Passive House buildings 81
2014 18 AG I Stephan, Michael Ein Handwerker- und Planernetzwerk der StadteRegion Aachen 91 Session I Tradesperson and designer network in the Aachen region 87
2014 18 AG I Klawitter, Inga; Probst, Jacques Energieleitbild und nachhaltiges Bauen in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens 97 Session I Energy concept and sustainable design in Belgium's German community 93
2014 18 AG I Lehmenkühler, Markus; Leidinger, Ulrike; Fischer, Peter E-View - ein internetbasiertes Energiemonitoring-System - nicht nur für die öffentliche Verwaltung 103 Session I E-View - an online monitoring system not only for public administrative bodies 99
2014 18 AG II Strauss, Rolf-Peter Lüftung - schlicht und einfach! 111 Session II Ventilation - simple and elegant! 105
2014 18 AG II Martin, Bernhard Neues Lüftungskonzept für kleine Wohneinheiten 115 Session II A new ventilation concept for small dwelling units 109
2014 18 AG II Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer Cascade ventilation - air exchange efficiency in living rooms without separate supply air inlets and exhaust air outlets 115
2014 18 AG II Pfluger, Rainer Heatpipes für den Frostschutz von Passivhaus-Lüftungsanlagen 127 Session II Heatpipes for frost protection in PH ventilation systems 121
2014 18 AG II Lautner, Rainer Hocheffizientes Lüftungsgerät mit Rotationswärmetauscher für Passivhäuser 133 Session II Highly efficient ventilation systems with rotation heat exchanger for Passive House buildings 129
2014 18 AG II Poster Schmidt, Michael Die neue Generation Enthalpietauscher - Performance und Bewertung der Energieeffizienz 141 Session II Poster Outdoor installation and special considerations for air handling 137
2014 18 AG II Poster Brandmeier, Thomas Außenaufstellung und Besonderheiten bei RLT-Geräten 145 Session II Poster Development of a coaxial-duct as outdoor air inlet and exhaust air outlet for ventilation units 139
2014 18 AG II Poster Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer; Gritzer, Florian; Happach, Adrian Entwicklung eines Koaxialrohres für die Außen- und Fortluftauslässe einer Lüftungsanlage mit innovativem Frostschutz 147 Session II Poster Development of a coaxial-duct as outdoor air inlet and exhaust air outlet for ventilation units 139
2014 18 AG II Poster Woollett, John; Vladykova, Petra; Börjesson, Mikael Rotary heat exchanger: practical experience 149 Session II Poster Rotary heat exchanger: practical experience 141
2014 18 AG III Ebel, Witta; Kaufmann, Berthold; Feist, Wolfgang Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings and renovations 153 Session III Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings and renovations 145
2014 18 AG III Keig, Peter; Hyde, Trevor Analysis of the operational energy performance of a retrofitted solid wall terraced house versus designed performance 163 Session III Analysis of the operational energy performance of a retrofitted solid wall terraced house versus designed performance 155
2014 18 AG III Sap, Herwin; Rovers, Ronald; Vincken, Maurice A concept for a quick and clean passive house renovation for mass housing in the Netherlands 169 Session III A concept for a quick and clean passive house renovation for mass housing in the Netherlands 161
2014 18 AG III Troi, Alexandra; Lucchi, Elena; Exner, Dagmar; Freundorfer, Franz; André, Mathilde; Kofler Engl, Waltraud Energy efficiency of windows in historic buiildings 175 Session III Energy efficiency of windows in historic buiildings 167
2014 18 AG III Paticas, Harry; Clarke, Alan Monitoring building fabric moisture in historic house retrofitted with internal insulation 181 Session III Monitoring building fabric moisture in historic house retrofitted with internal insulation 173
2014 18 AG III Poster O'Leary, Tomas Ten Trans-European EuroPhit projects lead the next wave of Passive House promotion 187 Session III Poster Ten Trans-European EuroPhit projects lead the next wave of Passive House promotion 179
2014 18 AG IV Künzel, Kai Klima Kita in drei Wochen 195 Session IV >KlimaKita< in three weeks 187
2014 18 AG IV Heinicke, Robert; Beckmannshagen, Lars Das „Haus am See“ - Bericht über ein zum Passivhaus umgeplantes Bürgerhaus 201 Session IV The „House by the lake“ - QA considerations for a community center in the East of Hamburg 193
2014 18 AG IV Ostrop, Patrick Passivhaus-Schule Bildungszentrum Tor zur Welt in Hamburg 207 Session IV Passive House school and educational centre „Tor zur Welt“ in Hamburg 199
2014 18 AG IV Heuer, Helmut Zertifizierung und hochwertige Gestaltung - ein Widerspruch? 213 Session IV Certification and architectural quality – a contradiction? 205
2014 18 AG IV Göttsche, Joachim; Röther, Sascha Science College Overbach Passivhaus-Schulen in Jülich-Barmen 219 Session IV Science College Overbach: Passive House school in Jülich-Barmen 211
2014 18 AG IV Endhardt, Martin Tagesheim mit Klassenräumen in Passivhaus-Standard in Betonfertigteilbauweise 225 Session IV Passive House day-care centre with class rooms in prefabricated concrete construction 217
2014 18 AG V Krick, Benjamin PHI Fensterzertifizierung: kaltes und arktisches Klima 233 Session V PHI window certification: cold and arctic climates 225
2014 18 AG V Pazen, Günter; Krick, Benjamin Passivhaus-Fenster sind wirtschaftlich! 243 Session V Passive House windows are cost-effective! 235
2014 18 AG V Ziegler-Herboldt, Patrick Vorstellung zertifizierter Vorhangfassaden-Unterkonstruktion Komponenten + Erfahrungsbericht 249 Session V Presentation of certified curtain wall substructure compontents & experiences 241
2014 18 AG V Zeller, Klaus Zwei Wohnungsbauprojekte mit monolithischer Ziegelwand in Köln 255 Session V Two residential building projects with monolithic masonry walls in Cologne 247
2014 18 AG V Poster Muskatewitz, Adrian Einfluss unregelmäßiger Verbindungsmittel in der Gebäudehülle auf den Heizwärmebedarf 261 AG V Poster Challenging connection details and their impact on the heating demand 253
2014 18 AG V Poster Kethorn, Björn Dauerhafte Luftdichtigkeit von Fensteranschlussfugen 267 Session V Poster Durable airtightness of joints between windows and walls 257
2014 18 AG V Poster Gollwitzer, Esther Optimierung von Rolladen und Raffstore 269 Session V Poster Optimization of roller shutters and exterior blinds 259
2014 18 AG V Poster Park, Sihyun; Song, Seung-Yeong; Lim, Jae-Han Comparative evaluation of EIFS using VIPs for better performance 271 Session V Poster Comparative evaluation of EIFS using VIPs for better performance 261
2014 18 AG V Poster Andreau-Wiedenmaier, Annabelle; Sanders, Helen Electronically tintable glass: greater design freedom without compromise 275 Session V Poster Electronically tintable glass: greater design freedom without compromise 265
2014 18 AG VI Vallentin, Gernot; Vallentin, Rena Entwurfsprinzipien fü Passivhäuser am Beispiel realisierter Kindertagesstätten 279 Session VI Design principles for Passive House buildings: illustration of completed day-care centres 269
2014 18 AG VI Bastian, Zeno Varianten- und Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung mit dem PHPP 9 285 Session VI Variant calculations and economic assessment with PHPP 9 275
2014 18 AG VI Regner, Pia; Lamprecht, Birte Simulation und Realisierung von kostengünstigen Passivhaus-Schulen mit minimierter Anlagentechnik 291 Session VI Simulation and construction of cost-effective Passive House schools with minimised mechanical systems 281
2014 18 AG VI Schütze, Alexandre Sensitivitätsanalyse im PHPP als Planungshilfe 297 Session VI Sensitivity analysis with PHPP 287
2014 18 AG VI Poster Kuhne, Inga-Lill; Marmann, Michael; Nordhoff, Andreas ecolearn - Per Mausklick zum Passivhaus-Experten 303 Session VI Poster ecolearn - Passive House experts at your fingertips 293
2014 18 AG VI Poster Hasper, Wolfgang; Winkel, Susanne; Weber, Christine Weiter! Bildung! 305 Session VI Poster Advance! Education! 295
2014 18 AG VII Ferrario, Fabio; Vulcan, Leonardo; Alberti, Nicola; Casagranda, Daniela; Ghiringhelli, Luca The first Certified Passivhaus hotel in Italy 311 Session VII The first Certified Passivhaus hotel in Italy 301
2014 18 AG VII Vallentin, Rena; Vallentin, Gernot Seminar- und Jugendgästehaus - ein Leuchtturmprojekt in Korea 317 Session VII Seminar and Youth-Guest-House - a flagship project in Korea 307
2014 18 AG VII Greindl, Thomas Ökologisches, nachhaltiges Passivhaus 300 km südlich des nördlichen Polarkreises 323 Session VII An ecological and sustainable Passive House 300 km south of the northern Arctic Circle 313
2014 18 AG VII Poster Mauring, Tõnu; Hallik, Jaanus; Kalbe, Kristo; Valge, Margus Winter performance of certified Passive House building in Northern European cold climate 329 Session VII Poster Winter performance of certified Passive House building in Northern European cold climate 319
2014 18 AG VII Poster Krauklis, Ervins; Reinberga, Mare Design, optimisation, construction and operation of a large single-family Passive House in Riga 331 Session VII Poster Design, optimisation, construction and operation of a large single-family Passive House in Riga 321
2014 18 AG VII Poster Szalavicz, Anca Can Passivhaus Standards be adapted to high-rise residential buildings in South Africa? 333 Session VII Poster Can Passivhaus Standards be adapted to high-rise residential buildings in South Africa? 323
2014 18 AG VII Poster Marcelino, João; Gavião, João The performance of the first Passive Houses in Portugal: the path to sustainability 335 Session VII Poster The performance of the first Passive Houses in Portugal: the path to sustainability 325
2014 18 AG VII Poster Rosemeier, Kara Is mechanical ventilation dispensable in temperate climates? 337 Session VII Poster Is mechanical ventilation dispensable in temperate climates? 327
2014 18 AG VII Poster Vicente, R.; Rodrigues, F.; Almeida, E.; Valves, A.; Figueredo, A.; Grangeia, R. Passivhaus economic feasibility for Portuguese climate 339 Session VII Poster Passivhaus economic feasibility for Portuguese climate 329
2014 18 AG VIII Rongen, Ludwig Evangelische Christuskirche Heinsberg - EnerPhit-Sanierung, Umbau und Erweiterung 343 Session VIII Heinsberg Protestant Christ Church - EnerPHit refurbishment, conversion and extension 333
2014 18 AG VIII Oehler, Stefan Umbau Handelskontor in MFH mit Lofts 349 Session VIII Conversion of a trading post into a multy-family building with lofts 339
2014 18 AG VIII Reinberg, Georg Passivhaus-Sanierung mit Aufstockung und Nachverdichtung unter schwierigen Bedingungen 355 Session VIII Passive House refurbishment with extension and redensification under challenging conditions 345
2014 18 AG VIII Anlauft, Eva Denkmalpflegepreis für eine energetische Sanierung - schadensfrei, wirtschaftlich und denkmalgerecht 361 Session VIII Cultural heritage preservation award for an energy retrofit - prevention of structural damage, cost-effectiveness and regulatory compliance 351
2014 18 AG VIII Ottinger, Oliver; Vahalová, Eva; Bräunlich, Kristin; Kaufmann, Berthold Vier Innendämmsysteme im Vergleich - Messungen und hygrothermische Simulationen 367 Session VIII Comparison of four interiour insulation systems - measurements and hygrothermical simulations 357
2014 18 AG VIII Poster Reinke, Thomas Von der Hamburger Kaffeemühle zum Effizienzhaus mit Passivhaus-Anbau 373
2014 18 AG VIII Poster Graf, Rainer EnerPhit - Ein Projekt aus der Pilotphase 375
2014 18 AG VIII Poster Rongen, Ludwig Passivhaus-Sanierung Gymnasium Baesweiler - Monitoring/Nutzerbefragung 377
2014 18 Plenum Berrutto, Vincent Head of Unit for Energy Efficiency, European Commission - Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI) 381
2014 18 Plenum Cox, Patrick „German know how - Irish can do - A sustainable enterprise and innovation cluster“ 381
2014 18 Plenum Clerfayt, Grégoire 2015 - Brussels goes passive - from stimulation to regulation 381 Plenary 2015 - Brussels goes passive - from stimulation to regulation 365
2014 18 AG IX Kaluza, Jörn Verbesserung der Stromeffizienz von Schwimmbädern 391 Session IX Improving the electricity efficiency of indoor swimming pools 375
2014 18 AG IX Grove-Smith, Jessica; Peper, Søren Energieeffizienz von Passivhaus-Hallenbädern: Bedarf und Verbrauch des Lippe Bades 397 Session IX Energy efficiency in Passive House swimming pools: demand and consumption of the „Lippe“ bath 381
2014 18 AG IX Kah, Oliver; Bräunlich, Kristin; Schulz, Tanja Grundlagenstudie Umsetzung des Passivhaus-Konzepts im Krankenhaus 403 Session IX Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals 393
2014 18 AG IX Bräunlich, Kristin; Kah, Oliver Aspekte einer effizienten Lüftung in Krankenhäusern 411 Session IX Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals 387
2014 18 AG IX Lepp, Laszlo; Schnieders, Jürgen; Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus-Lebensmittelmärkte auf dem Vormarsch: Anforderungen, Beispiele und Ergebnisse 417 Session IX Passive House super markets on the rise: requirements, examples and results 401
2014 18 AG IX Poster Oehler, Stefan Laborgebäude Anthropologie Uni Mainz 423
2014 18 AG X Huber, Manfred; Gassmann, Stefan Erfahrungsbericht NZEB Mehrfamilienhaus mit Lastenmanagement 427 Session X Field report: Nearly-zero energy multy-family building with load management 409
2014 18 AG X Deimel, Christoph Neues Bauen in Berlin: Vom Passivhaus zum Plusenergiehaus 433 Session X Contemporary design in Berlin: From Passive House to Plus energy building 415
2014 18 AG X Wortmann, Ralph; Wember, Klaus Passiv- und Nullemissionshaus im Bestand 439 Session X Passive and zero-emission refurbishments 421
2014 18 AG X Varga, Edith Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung einer Passivhaus-Wohnsiedlung anhand der DGNB-Kriterien 445 Session X Evaluation of a Passive House settlement according to DGNB criteria 427
2014 18 AG X von Ballmoos, Christian Palazzo Positivo - Sanierung MFH in Chiasso zu Plusgebäude mit BiPV 451 Session X Palazzo Positivo - refurbishment of a multy-family building in Chiasso to plus energy level with BIPV 433
2014 18 AG X Poster Struckmeier, Jens; Strunk, Anja; Fetzer, Christof Ermöglichen Passivhäuser Rechenzentren mit einer PUE unter 1? 457
2014 18 AG X Poster Wamsler, Martin Eine Baugruppe baut Passiv und Plus 459
2014 18 AG X Poster Garg, Vishal; Arumugam, Rathish; Bhatia, Aviruch; Gandhi, Jalpa; Tetali, Surekha; Bhandari, Mahabir S.; Shah, Bipin Design of a cost effective net Zero Home for Ahmedabad - India 461 Session X Poster Design of a cost effective net Zero Home for Ahmedabad - India 439
2014 18 AG X Poster Yeats, Andrew; Clarke, Alan Lancaster Cohousing. 41 Passive Houses with on-site renewable energy distribution 463 Session X Poster Lancaster Cohousing. 41 Passive Houses with on-site renewable energy distribution 441
2014 18 AG XI Cohen, Adam Built comparison of a Passivhaus and a standard American dormitory - a twin study 467 Session XI Built comparison of a Passivhaus and a standard American dormitory - a twin study 445
2014 18 AG XI McDonald, Timothy Strategies for affordable, modular and multifamily PH housing in the USA 473 Session XI Strategies for affordable, modular and multifamily PH housing in the USA 451
2014 18 AG XI Cohen, Adam Design & construction of the LDS Dental Clinic 479 Session XI Design & construction of the LDS Dental Clinic 457
2014 18 AG XI Rügemer, Jörg Maximizing the Passive House at market rate - Utah's most energy-efficient and cost-effective house 481 Session XI Maximizing the Passive House at market rate - Utah's most energy-efficient and cost-effective house 459
2014 18 AG XI Isaacs, Malcolm Passive House economics: A simplified North American approach 487 Session XI Passive House economics: A simplified North American approach 465
2014 18 AG XI O'Malia, Matthew; Gibson, Alan Design/Build/Refine/Repeat: A systems approach for Passive House construction in North America 493 Session XI Design/Build/Refine/Repeat: A systems approach for Passive House construction in North America 471
2014 18 AG XII Scherer, Udo; Wohlfahrt, Matthias Promoting efficient building: The PassREg principle in the Hannover Region 501 Session XII Promoting efficient building: The PassREg principle in the Hannover Region 479
2014 18 AG XII Leardini, Paola; Cholmondeley-Smith, Brooke How do Passive Houses perform in New Zealand? From simulation to facts 507 Session XII How do Passive Houses perform in New Zealand? From simulation to facts 485
2014 18 AG XII Siddall, Mark; Johnston, David; Fletcher, Martin Occupant satisfaction in UK Passivhaus dwellings 513 Session XII Occupant satisfaction in UK Passivhaus dwellings 491
2014 18 AG XII Peuhkuri, Ruut; Krintel, Christian; Eilersen, Esben; Hansen, Mathias; Koulani, Chrysanthi; Toftum, Jørn Indoor environment in 126 Danish Passive House apartments heated by ventilation air 519 Session XII Indoor environment in 126 Danish Passive House apartments heated by ventilation air 497
2014 18 AG XII Miščević, Ljubomir The first twenty Passive Houses in Croatia 525 Session XII The first twenty Passive Houses in Croatia 503
2014 18 AG XII Rose, Clarence PassREg Solutions Open Source 531 Session XII PassREg Solutions Open Source 509
2014 18 AG XII Tzanev, Dragomir Lessons from the New Passive House Regions 535 Session XII Lessons from the New Passive House Regions 513
2014 18 AG XII Poster Pietrobon, Marco; Pagliano, Lorenzo Mediterranean Passive House solutions towards nearly zero energy buildings in italian regions 541 Session XII Poster Mediterranean Passive House solutions towards nearly zero energy buildings in italian regions 519
2014 18 AG XIII Treberspurg, Martin Passivhaus-Wohnhausanlage Kaisermühlenstraße Wien 547 Session XIII Passive House residential complex in Vienna's Kaisermühlenstraße 525
2014 18 AG XIII Müller, Michael Studentenwohnheim im Passivhaus-Standard 553 Session XIII Passive House dormitory 531
2014 18 AG XIII Tappler, Peter Raumluftqualität in neu errichteten, energieeffizienten Wohnhäusern 559 Session XIII Indoor air quality in energy efficient residential new builds 537
2014 18 AG XIII Schnieders, Jürgen Erfahrungen mit Systemen zur Abwasser-Wärmerückgewinnung 565 Session XIII Experience with a drain water heat recovery 543
2014 18 AG XIII Nolde, Erwin; Heinhaus, Uwe Grauwasserrecycling und Wärmerückgewinnung - ein Baustein vom Passiv- zum Nullenergiehaus 571 Session XIII Grey water recycling and heat recovery - a steppingstone from Passive House to zero-energy buildings? 549
2014 18 AG XIII Poster Kraus, Dietmar Wärmepumpen-Kompaktgeräte unter dem Aspekt der Trinkwasserverordnung 577 Session XIV Energy concept Aachen Richtericher Dell 557
2014 18 AG XIV Müller, Astrid Energiekonzept Aachen Richtericher Dell 581 Session XIV Energy concept Aachen Richtericher Dell 557
2014 18 AG XIV Lückerath, Peter Schnittstellenbewältigung im Passivhaus-Bau 587 Session XIV Interface management in Passive House buildings 563
2014 18 AG XIV Höffle, Ingo Bedeutung integraler Planung auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit von PH-Bürogebäuden 591 Session XIV Integrated design and cost-effectiveness of Passive House office buildings 567
2014 18 AG XIV Frohn, Bernhard 10 Jahre Gebäudebetrieb des Balanced Office Building - BOB Aachen 597 Session XIV Balanced Office Building - BOB.Aachen: 10 years of building use 573
2014 18 AG XIV Poster Teizer, Klaus Untersuchung Passivhaus-Bürogebäude im Kosten- und Amortisationsvergleich zur EnEV 603
2014 18 AG XIV Poster Psyk, Mario; Fischer, Marco Nutzung geothermischer Energie in einem sanierten Bürogebäude 605
2014 18 AG XIV Poster Jünnemann, Rita Maria; Loch, Reinhard Wohnungsnutzungsberatung - Bewohner bei der Sanierung „mitnehmen“ 607
2014 18 AG XV Malzer, Harald; Edwards, Dave designPH - 3D passive house design tool 611 Session XV designPH - 3D passive house design tool 581
2014 18 AG XV Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang Heat pumps in Passive Houses - PHPP application 619 Session XV Heat pumps in Passive Houses - PHPP application 587
2014 18 AG XV Rivero Arias, Maria del Carmen; Steiger, Jan; Theumer, Susanne Adapting the PHPP to Mexican social housing: the challenges of creating the DEEVi tool 625 Session XV Adapting the PHPP to Mexican social housing: the challenges of creating the DEEVi tool 593
2014 18 AG XV Grant, Nick; Clarke, Alan Internal heat gains 631 Session XV Internal heat gains 599
2014 18 AG XV Poster Arnăutu, Dragoş Ionuţ; Theumer, Susanne; Steiger, Jan; Vahalova, Eva PHPP interface certification 637 Session XV Poster PHPP interface certification 605
2014 18 AG XV Poster Vide Lutman, Marjeta Seismic Foundation Pillow 641
2014 18 AG XV Poster Oliveira, R.; Alves, A.; Rodrigues, M.F.; Vicente, R. Building with Passivhaus requirements: thermal bridge modelling and thermal influence 643 Session XV Poster Building with Passivhaus requirements: thermal bridge modelling and thermal influence 611
2014 18 AG XVI Bastian, Zeno International EnerPHit Certification Criteria for Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components 647 Session XVI International EnerPHit Certification Criteria for Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components 615
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Butcher, Bill; Herring, Chris EnerPHit barn conversion: achiving high thermal performance & structural stability 653 Session XVI Poster EnerPHit barn conversion: achiving high thermal performance & structural stability 621
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Sevela, Pavel; Pfluger, Rainer Energy refurbishment of heritage buildings 655 Session XVI Poster Energy refurbishment of heritage buildings 623
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Bianchi Janetti, Michele; Pfluger, Rainer; Ochs, Fabian Internal insulation applied to a listed school building: in situ measurements and numerical analysis 657 Session XVI Poster Internal insulation applied to a listed school building: in situ measurements and numerical analysis 625
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Hrynyszyn, Bozena Dorota Passive House - an option for a modern rorbu? 659 Session XVI Poster Passive House - an option for a modern rorbu? 627
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Jacobs, Anne; Reuter, Friedrich; Mönnig, Sven High performance insulation: technology innovation and tailoring for replication 661 Session XVI Poster High performance insulation: technology innovation and tailoring for replication 629
2014 18 AG XVI Poster Egea Barbosa, Marisa; Herrera Estela, Alejandro Passivhaus Refurbishment in Mexico City 663 Session XVI Poster Passivhaus Refurbishment in Mexico City 631
2014 18 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus - das nächste Jahrzehnt 667 Plenary Passive House - the next decade 635
2013 17 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Foreword Foreword from the editor 5
2013 17 Grußwort Puttrich, Lucia Grußwort zur 17. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 9 Greeting Opening remarks for the 17 th International Passive House Conference 9
2013 17 Grußwort Cunitz, Olaf Grußwort zur 17. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 11 Greeting Opening remarks for the 17 th International Passive House Conference 11
2013 17 Grußwort Schäfer, Thomas Grußwort zur 17. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 13 Greeting Opening remarks for the 17 th International Passive House Conference 13
2013 17 Grußwort Riess, Christof Grußwort zur 17. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 15 Greeting Opening remarks for the 17 th International Passive House Conference 15
2013 17 Plenum Junker, Frank Erfahrungen aus über 1.600 Passivhaus-Wohnungen 61 Plenary Session Experience from more than 1,600 Passive House apartments 57
2013 17 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus-Effizienz macht die Energiewende wirtschaftlich 65 Plenary Session Passive House efficiency makes the energy revolution affordable 61
2013 17 Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt Neumann, Werner Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt am Main - Wie kann die Erfolgsstory weitergehen? 77 Passive House Capital Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main, Passive House Capital - how can the success story continue? 73
2013 17 Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt Mathes, Harald; Hasper, Wolfgang Passivhäuser für die Hessische Landesverwaltung 83 Passive House Capital Frankfurt Passive House for the Hesse State administration 79
2013 17 Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt Fiebig, Wiebke; Hufer, Peter Energetische Sanierung eines Gründerzeitgebäudes mit Passivhaus-Komponenten 89 Passive House Capital Frankfurt Energy retrofit of a Wilhelminian building with Passive House components 85
2013 17 Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt Naß, Winfried; Frydrychowski-Horvatin, Janka Das erste Passivhaus-Krankenhaus Deutschlands – eine Herausforderung, der sich die Stadt Frankfurt gerne stellt! 95 Passive House Capital Frankfurt The first Passive House hospital in Germany – a challenge that the City of Frankfurt is pleased to take on 91
2013 17 Passivhaus-Hauptstadt Frankfurt, Poster Buth, Barbara; Krick, Benjamin Behördenzentrum Heppenheim. Bundesweit erstes Passivhaus-Verwaltungsgebäude im ÖPP-Verfahren 101
2013 17 Weltweite Zusammenarbeit Cunz, Thilo; Michelin, Nicolas; Mege, Jean Denis; Meyer-Hoffmann, Henrik Building Together (Build Tog) - Europaweite Adaption eines Mehrfamilienhaustyps 105 Global cooperation Building Together (Build-Tog) - Europe-wide adaption of an apartment building design 97
2013 17 Weltweite Zusammenarbeit Tribus, Michael; Holzner, Christoph Kostenvergleich durch Gestaltungsvarianten anhand von 3 realisierten MFH-Passivhäusern 111 Global cooperation Cost comparison through variations in design based on three completed multi-family Passive Houses 103
2013 17 Weltweite Zusammenarbeit Klinski, Michael; Frogner Berg, Torer Erfahrungen mit Passivhäusern in Norwegen 117 Global cooperation The Norwegian Passive House experience 109
2013 17 Weltweite Zusammenarbeit Cho, Yoon-Boum; Cho, Jong-Sun; Vallentin, Rena Die internationale Zusammenarbeit Korea und Deutschland am Beispiel des Neubaus für ein Seminar- und Jugendgästehaus in Goesan 123 Global cooperation International cooperation between Korea and Germany continues: a new seminar and youth center in Goesan 115
2013 17 Weltweite Zusammenarbeit, Poster Engelmann, Peter; Kramer, Thomas Energiekonzepte für schwimmende Gebäude 131
2013 17 3ENCULT Troi, Alexandra Solutions & tools for the conservation compatible energy retrofit of historic buildings 135 3ENCULT Solutions & tools for the conservation compatible energy retrofit of historic buildings 125
2013 17 3ENCULT Pfluger, Rainer Active overflow ventilation for refurbishing of school buildings 141 3ENCULT Active overflow ventilation for refurbishing of school buildings 131
2013 17 3ENCULT Fallon, Ann-Marie; Little, Joseph Retrofitting Ireland’s first EnerPHit building - Issues, challenges and solutions 147 3ENCULT Retrofitting Ireland’s first EnerPHit building - Issues, challenges and solutions 137
2013 17 3ENCULT Bradshaw, Frances; Croxford, Ben Detailing for Passivhaus retrofit in London; terrace houses, solid walls, timber floors and internal insulation 153 3ENCULT Detailing for Passivhaus retrofit in London; terrace houses, solid walls, timber floors and internal insulation 143
2013 17 3ENCULT, Poster Vanaga, Ruta; Krauklis, Ervins; Kamenders, Agris; Blumberga, Andra Reaching EnerPHit standard using holistic approach 159 3ENCULT, Poster Reaching EnerPHit standard using holistic approach 149
2013 17 Results and Analysis Kursisa, Anda Passive House method for industrial buildings 163 Results and Analysis Passive House method for industrial buildings 153
2013 17 Results and Analysis Siddall, Mark; Trinick, John; Johnston, David Testing the real heat loss of a Passivhaus building: Can the UK’s energy performance gap be bridged? 169 Results and Analysis Testing the real heat loss of a Passivhaus building: Can the UK’s energy performance gap be bridged? 159
2013 17 Results and Analysis Langmans, Jelle; Roels, Straf; Klein, Ralf Quantitative study on the hygric response of timber frame walls with exterior air barriers 177 Results and Analysis Quantitative study on the hygric response of timber frame walls with exterior air barriers 167
2013 17 Results and Analysis Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer Optimization of dwelling floor plan configuration for cascade ventilation 183 Results and Analysis Optimization of dwelling floor plan configuration for cascade ventilation 173
2013 17 Results and Analysis, Poster Anwyl, James Scott; Mader, Nina Life Cycle Assessment results of PH buildings with different construction methods 189 Results and Analysis, Poster Life Cycle Assessment results of PH buildings with different construction methods 179
2013 17 Results and Analysis, Poster Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgois; Feist, Wolfgang Energetic and Economic Optimization of the Renewable Energy Yield of Multi-Storey PHs 191 Results and Analysis, Poster Energetic and Economic Optimization of the Renewable Energy Yield of Multi-Storey PHs 181
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen Herkel, Sebastian; Kagerer, Florian; Bräu, Renate Sanierung eines Hochhauses auf Passivhaus-Standard - ein Jahr Betriebserfahrungen 195 Future-proof renovation Renovating a high-rise to fulfill the Passive House Standard – a year of operational experience 185
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen Lichtblau, Florian Geschoßwohnbau 1958, Modellerneuerung in Holz 201 Future-proof renovation Multi-story residential complex 1958, timbered model renovation 191
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen Großklos, Marc; Schaede, Margrit; Hacke, Ulrike Ergebnisse der Modernisierung von sieben Mehrfamilienhäusern auf Passivhaus-Standard 207 Future-proof renovation Results from the retrofit of seven multi-family units to the Passive House Standard 197
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen Wörndle, Barbara; Stuffer, Oscar Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für ein historisches Wohnhaus im Zentrum von Bozen (I) 213 Future-proof renovation Taylor-made solutions for a historical residential building in the center of Bolzano (I) 203
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen Bräunlich, Kristin; Kaufmann, Berthold Messung der Holzfeuchteentwicklung in Balkenköpfen bei Sanierung mit Innendämmung 219 Future-proof renovation Measuring moisture buildup in timbered beam ends for renovation with interior insulation 209
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen, Poster Böhme, Dirk Wohnen in der der sanierten PH-Wassermühle 225
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen, Poster Rongen, Ludwig Evangelische Kirche Heinsberg - Energetische Sanierung, Umbau und Erweiterung auf EnerPHit-Standard (mit Innendämmung) 227
2013 17 Zukunftsfähige Sanierungen, Poster Bastian, Zeno Einflussfaktoren auf Energiebilanz und Wirtschaftlichkeit von EnerPHit-Modernisierungen bei Nichtwohngebäuden 229 Future-proof renovation, Poster Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects 215
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik Bräunlich, Kristin; Kah, Oliver Lüftung in gewerblichen Küchen 233 Energy-efficient building services Ventilation in commercial kitchens 219
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik Kah, Oliver Energieeffizienz in Kantinen und Gewerbeküchen 239 Energy-efficient building services Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens 225
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik Voß, Tjado; Voss, Karsten Einflussfaktoren auf Energiebedarf und sommerliche Raumtemperaturen bei fassadenintegrierten Zuluftelementen 247 Energy-efficient building services The effect of façade-integrated fresh air elements on energy demand and indoor temperatures in the summer 233
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik Riha, Jan; Lawrence, Tyson; Roth, Kurt W. Lichtstreuende Oberlichter - Wärmeverluste versus Energieeinsparung 253 Energy-efficient building services Highly diffusive overhead lights - heat loss versus energy conservation 239
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik Werner, Matthias; Pfluger, Rainer Einfluss von Sanierungsmaßnahmen auf den Tageslichteintrag 259 Energy-efficient building services Influence of retrofitting on daylighting 245
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik, Poster Großklos, Marc Erprobung einer neuen Luftqualitätsregelung mit VOC-Sensoren für Wohnungslüftungsanlagen 265
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik, Poster Struckmeier, Jens; Reiter, Olaf PH-Beheizung mittels Computer-Abwärme „„Serverheizung““ 267
2013 17 Energieeffiziente Haustechnik, Poster Riis Dietz, Søren LED Light in Passive Houses 269 Energy-efficient building services, Poster LED Light in Passive Houses 251
2013 17 Passive House Regions Fujara, Marianne PassREg – Supporting Politicians to create model structures for Passive House with Renewable Energies 273 Passive House Regions PassREg – Supporting Politicians to create model structures for Passive House with Renewable Energies 255
2013 17 Passive House Regions Genchev, Zdravko; Tzanev, Dragomir Passive House Regions: A Guide to success 279 Passive House Regions Passive House Regions: A Guide to success 261
2013 17 Passive House Regions Sapienza, Carmelo Smart NZEB in the Passive House Standard in Sicily 285 Passive House Regions Smart NZEB in the Passive House Standard in Sicily 267
2013 17 Passive House Regions Maerckx, Anne-Laure Aeropolis II & Elia: passive buildings showing the ®evolution of eco-construction in Brussels 291 Passive House Regions Aeropolis II & Elia: passive buildings showing the ®evolution of eco-construction in Brussels 273
2013 17 Passive House Regions Pagliano, Lorenzo; Paolo, Zangheri nZEB coupled with an Earth to Air Heat Exchanger: development of an analytic model and validation against a monitored case study 297 Passive House Regions nZEB coupled with an Earth to Air Heat Exchanger: development of an analytic model and validation against a monitored case study 279
2013 17 Passive House Regions, Poster Gerin, Anne Successful PH skyscrapers 303 Passive House Regions, Poster Successful PH skyscrapers 285
2013 17 Passive House Regions, Poster O'Donnell, Archie A very Irish Solution – adapting local techniques for Passivhaus 305 Passive House Regions, Poster A very Irish Solution – adapting local techniques for Passivhaus 287
2013 17 Passive House around the world Leardini, Paola; Iliffe, Jonathan; Gronert, Renelle Building Passive Houses in subtropical climates? A lesson learnt from New Zealand 309 Passive House around the world Building Passive Houses in subtropical climates? A lesson learnt from New Zealand 291
2013 17 Passive House around the world Reinberg, Georg W.; Mauring, Tõnu; Hallik, Jaanus First certified Passive House in Estonia 315 Passive House around the world First certified Passive House in Estonia 297
2013 17 Passive House around the world Szekér, László Passive Houses in Hungary 321 Passive House around the world Passive Houses in Hungary 303
2013 17 Passive House around the world Marcelino, João; Gavião, João The Passive House in Portugal: how to spread it in South West Europe 327 Passive House around the world The Passive House in Portugal: how to spread it in South West Europe 309
2013 17 Passive House around the world Guo, Ling Current Development on Passive Houses in China 333 Passive House around the world Current Development on Passive Houses in China 315
2013 17 Passive House around the world, Poster Redon, Natacha; Siddall, Mark Lean PH: the key to affordable performance 339 Passive House around the world, Poster Lean PH: the key to affordable performance 321
2013 17 Passive House around the world, Poster Kim, Chang-Nam; Lee, Sung-Jin; Yoon, Yong-Sang; Engelmann, Peter A study on building energy consumption of the first Passive House in Korea 341 Passive House around the world, Poster A study on building energy consumption of the first Passive House in Korea 323
2013 17 Plenum Brew, James Scott Reinventing Fire: Passivhaus role in getting one nation completely off coal, oil and nuclear by 2050 345 Plenary Session Reinventing Fire: Passivhaus role in getting one nation completely off coal, oil and nuclear by 2050 327
2013 17 Plenum Krapmeier, Helmut Österreichischer Staatspreis Architektur und Nachhaltigkeit 351 Plenary Session Austrian State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability 333
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung Bermich, Ralf Stadtentwicklung im Passivhaus-Standard - Heidelbergs neuer Stadtteil Bahnstadt wächst dynamisch 359 Planning and implementation Urban development with the Passive House Standard - Heidelberg's new Bahnstadt district grows dynamically 341
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung Persch, Robert Qualitätsmanagementsystem für den Passivhaus-Stadtteil Bahnstadt Heidelberg 365 Planning and implementation Quality management system for Heidelberg's Bahnstadt Passive House district 347
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung Schulze Darup, Burkhard; Neumann, Werner DomRömer Frankfurt - Denkmal als Neubau 371 Planning and implementation DomRömer Frankfurt - a historical monument as a new built 353
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung Stärz, Norbert MFH Mainzeile - Fachplanung im Spannungsfeld, Qualität - Kosten - PH-Standard 377 Planning and implementation Mainzeile - professional planning in a difficult field 359
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung, Poster Antretter, Florian; Schöner, Tobias; Fink, Marcus; Pazold, Matthias Verbindung des bilanzbasierten Ansatzes zur Passivprojektierung mit einer einfachen dynamischen Gebäudesimulation 383
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung, Poster Steiger, Jan Das PHPP 8 (2013) - Weltweit einsetzbar, erweiterter Funktionsumfang, verbesserte Bedienungsfreundlichkeit und Kompatibilität 385 Planning and implementation, Poster PHPP 8 (2013) - worldwide applicability, added functions, improved user-friendliness and compatibility 365
2013 17 Planung und Umsetzung, Poster Edwards, Dave; Feist, Dankrad; Malzer, Harald “designPH” plugin for Trimble Sketchup: A visual tool to export building geometry to PHPP and provide instant feedback on performance at pre-planning stage 387 Planning and implementation, Poster “designPH” plugin for Trimble Sketchup: A visual tool to export building geometry to PHPP and provide instant feedback on performance at pre-planning stage 367
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen Schaede, Margrit; Großklos, Marc Mehrfamilienhäuser als Passivhäuser mit Energiegewinn 391 Sustainable solutions for multistory apartment complexes Multi-family Passive House units with energy gains 371
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen Rongen, Ludwig Passivhaus-Wohnanlage Geilenkirchen-Waurichen, Walderych 27 397 Sustainable solutions for multistory apartment complexes The Geilenkirchen-Waurichen, Walderych 27 Passive House residential complex 377
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen Rook, Stefanie; Rook, Hans-Dieter Die Baugemeinschaft - gemeinsam mehr erreichen 403 Sustainable solutions for multistory apartment complexes Joint building ventures - getting more done together 383
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen Zeller, Klaus Geschosswohnungsbau mit einschaliger Ziegelwand - 17 Wohneinheiten in Köln 409 Sustainable solutions for multistory apartment complexes Multi-storey apartment complexes with single-shell brick walls - 17 units in Cologne 389
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen, Poster Tribus, Michael; Noguera Bertran, Daniel Different approaches in basement isolation in a Passivhaus condominium in relations to its overall energy efficiency, Poster 415 Sustainable solutions for multistory apartment complexes Different approaches in basement isolation in a Passivhaus condominium in relations to its overall energy efficiency 395
2013 17 Nachhaltige Lösungen Geschosswohnungsbau/ Wohnanlagen, Poster Vallentin, Rena; Vallentin, Gernot Ausbildung zum zertifizierten PassivhausPlaner in einem PassivhausPlanerbüro 417
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates Grove-Smith, Jessica; Schnieders, Jürgen PHPP calculations in hot and humid climates 421 Hot and Humid Climates PHPP calculations in hot and humid climates 399
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates Theumer, Susanne; Rivero Arias, Maria del Carmen; Grove-Smith, Jessica; Schnieders, Jürgen Mexico study: Passive Houses in tropical climates 427 Hot and Humid Climates Mexico study: Passive Houses in tropical climates 405
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates Gruner, Andreas Towards a Sustainable Housing in Mexico 433 Hot and Humid Climates Towards a Sustainable Housing in Mexico 411
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates Parry, Clare Multi-use in Passive House buildings in Humid & Hot climates: Jakarta 439 Hot and Humid Climates Multi-use in Passive House buildings in Humid & Hot climates: Jakarta 417
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster White, David A Method for Peak Cooling Load Calculation for Low-Load Houses in Humid Climates 445 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster A Method for Peak Cooling Load Calculation for Low-Load Houses in Humid Climates 421
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster Gilliland, Allen Passive House Design produces First Certified Net Zero Energy Home in California 447 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster Passive House Design produces First Certified Net Zero Energy Home in California 423
2013 17 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster Reddy, Rajesh; Kayal, Hamid Performance evaluation of solar insulation materials in UAE conditions 449 Hot and Humid Climates, Poster Performance evaluation of solar insulation materials in UAE conditions 425
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings O'Leary, Tomás Target to deliver 100,000 m² Passive House Projects in New York City by 2017 455 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Target to deliver 100,000 m² Passive House Projects in New York City by 2017 431
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Cohen, Adam J. Design & Construction of the Malcolm Rosenberg Center for Jewish Life at Virginia Polytechnic University, a mixed used assembly building in a mixed-humid climate 461 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Design & Construction of the Malcolm Rosenberg Center for Jewish Life at Virginia Polytechnic University, a mixed used assembly building in a mixed-humid climate 437
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian Passivhaus + Breeam and green lease at no extra cost. A myth? 467 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Passivhaus + Breeam and green lease at no extra cost. A myth? 443
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings Mahlknecht, Hannes; Exner, Dagmar; Mennicken, Titus; Thaler, Eveline; Schrag, Tobias User habits - impact on energy consumption in Passive Houses 473 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings User habits - impact on energy consumption in Passive Houses 449
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings, Poster Rossi, Sergio; Ziletti, Giovanni Zero energy cooperative building in North Italy 479 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings, Poster Zero energy cooperative building in North Italy 455
2013 17 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings, Poster Langenkamp, Olav; Brandt, Martin Challenging the possibilities 481 Residential and non-residential Passive House buildings, Poster Challenging the possibilities 457
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau Krause, Harald; Heep, Anna; Strapp, Merle Passivhaus-Schulen der Stadt Offenbach 485 Success in Non-Residential construction Passive House schools in the City of Offenbach 461
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau Steinmann, Bärbel; Stärz, Norbert Kindertagesstätten - TGA im Holz- und Massivbau 491 Success in Non-Residential construction Day care centres - building services in timbered and solid construction 467
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau Peper, Søren; Grove-Smith, Jessica Monitoring Passivhaus Hallenbad Lünen 497 Success in Non-Residential construction Monitoring the Lünen Passive House indoor pool 473
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau Hörner, Michael; Schaede, Margrit Das IWU-Haus: Modernisierung mit PH-Komponenten - Konzept, Kosten, Betriebserfahrungen 503 Success in Non-Residential construction The IWU building: modernization with Passive House components - concept, costs and operational experience 479
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau, Poster Gollwitzer, Esther Dämmschürzenlösungen im Vergleich 509
2013 17 Erfolge beim Nichtwohnbau, Poster Freundorfer, Franz; Krick, Benjamin Fenster der Effizienzklasse phA+, ein gewichtiger Schritt in Richtung Nullheizenergiehaus? 511
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit Vallentin, Gernot; Vallentin, Rena Nachhaltige Gebäudekonzepte - ein Plus für das Passivhaus 515 Sustainability Holistically sustainable building concepts - a plus for the Passive House 487
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit Krick, Benjamin Nearly Zero Energy Building? Das Passivhaus gibt eine Antwort. 521 Sustainability Nearly Zero Energy Building? The Passive House provides an answer. 493
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit Vallentin, Rainer Energiewende und energetische Nachhaltigkeit - Der Beitrag des Passivhaus-Konzeptes bis 2060 531 Sustainability Energy transition and energy sustainability: what the Passive House concept can do up to 2060 503
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit Bauer, Martin; Hochhuber, Joseph; Schwanitz, Matthias; Fries, Eberhard Potenziale von Passiv-Gebäuden als nichtelektrischer Speicher in intelligenten Stromnetzen 537 Sustainability Using Passive Houses to store non-electric energy in smart grids 509
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit, Poster Sørnes, Kari; Kristjansdottir, Torhildur Energy efficient timber framed external walls: Energy and environmental assessment over the life cycle 543 Sustainability, Poster Energy efficient timber framed external walls: Energy and environmental assessment over the life cycle 515
2013 17 Nachhaltigkeit, Poster Miščevič, Ljubomir Passive House and ECO-SANDWICH EU Eco-innovation Project for Facade Panels 545 Sustainability, Poster Passive House and ECO-SANDWICH Eu Eco-innovation Project for Facade Panels 517
2013 17 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential Ørtoft, Lars; Nygaard Jensen, Lise A Large Energy Efficient Renovation into Passive House 549 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential A Large Energy Efficient Renovation into Passive House 521
2013 17 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential Simmons, Kristen EnerPHit in Boston: Refurbishment of a timber frame two-family house 555 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential EnerPHit in Boston: Refurbishment of a timber frame two-family house 527
2013 17 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential Kammenders, Agris; Vanaga, Ruta; Krauklis, Ervins Post-occupancy evaluation of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renovation 561 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential Post-occupancy evaluation of dormitory building with aim of EnerPHit renovation 533
2013 17 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential Loga, Tobias; Diefenbach, Nikolaus; Stein, Britta TABULA - Residential Building Typologies in European Countries 567 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential TABULA - Residential Building Typologies in European Countries 539
2013 17 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential, Poster Little, Joseph; Arregi, Benat Managing moisture - the key to healthy internal wall insulation retrofits of solid walls 573 Retrofit: Validation of the Potential, Poster Managing moisture - the key to healthy internal wall insulation retrofits of solid walls 545
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard Leclerq, Virginie; Willem, Pierre Exemplary Buildings, a step towards nZEB (nearly Zero-Energy Buildings) in the energy policy of the Brussels Region 577 Implementing Passive House Standard Exemplary Buildings, a step towards nZEB (nearly Zero-Energy Buildings) in the energy policy of the Brussels Region 549
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard Hienonen, Markku; Kauppinen, Timo; Montin, Anu What public authority can do to increase energy efficiency in new buildings 583 Implementing Passive House Standard What public authority can do to increase energy efficiency in new buildings 555
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard Kovačič, Tadeja; Kovič, Silvija The effects of Eco Fund’s grants for energy efficiency in buildings: Slovenian experience 589 Implementing Passive House Standard The effects of Eco Fund’s grants for energy efficiency in buildings: Slovenian experience 561
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard McCormack, Art; McCarthy, Michael Bahnbrechende Handwerker-Schulung im Passivhaus-Bau 595 Implementing Passive House Standard Groundbreaking Training for Passive House Tradespersons 567
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster Koren, David; Kilar, Vojko; Zbasnik-Senegacnik, Martina Seismic safety of Passive Houses founded on thermal insulation 603 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster Seismic safety of Passive Houses founded on thermal insulation 575
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster Nikolov, Georgi Three approaches to the ground insulation in seismic hazadous regions 605 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster Three approaches to the ground insulation in seismic hazadous regions 577
2013 17 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster Silkworth, Cramer; White, David A Multi-Zone Manager for the PHPP 607 Implementing Passive House Standard, Poster A Multi-Zone Manager for the PHPP 579
2013 17 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Energiekonzepte - das Passivhaus im Vergleich 611 Plenary Session Energy concepts - the Passive House in comparison 583
2012 16 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Foreword Foreword from the editor 5
2012 16 Grußwort Ramsauer, Peter Grußwort des Bundesministers Peter Ramsauer, Bundesminister für Verkehr, Bau- und Stadtentwicklung 9 Greeting Greeting of Federal Minister Peter Ramsauer 9
2012 16 Grußwort Weil, Stephan Grußwort zur 16. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 13 Greeting Opening remark for the 16th International Passive House Conference 13
2012 16 Grußwort Noske, Harald Grußwort zur 16. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 15 Greeting Opening remark for the 16th International Passive House Conference 15
2012 16 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaustagung 2012: Klima, Kultur, Konzept 53 Plenary Session Passive House Conference 2012: Climate, Culture, Concept 53
2012 16 Sanierung: Beispiele und Komponenten Schulze Darup, Burkhard Strategien zur Klimaneutralität im Gebäudebestand am Beispiel Nürnberg 61 Refurbishments: Examples and components Strategies for climate neutrality with existing buildings - a case study of Nuremberg 61
2012 16 Sanierung: Beispiele und Komponenten Schulz, Tanja; Bastian, Zeno; Sariri, Vahid EnerPHit-Wärmedämmsysteme 67 Refurbishments: Examples and components EnerPHit insulation system 67
2012 16 Sanierung: Beispiele und Komponenten Kraus, Dietmar Sanierung von Kleinschulen im ländlichen Raum auf Passivhausniveau 73 Refurbishments: Examples and components Passive House renovation of small rural schools 73
2012 16 Sanierung: Beispiele und Komponenten Freundorfer, Franz Passivhausfenster der Energieeffizienzklasse A in denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden 79 Refurbishments: Examples and components Passive House windows of energy efficiency class A in heritage buildings 79
2012 16 Lüftung: Erfahrung und Optimierung Peper, Søren; Pfluger, Rainer Luftqualität und Lüftungsverhalten 87 Ventilation: Experience and optimization Air-quality and ventilation behavior 87
2012 16 Lüftung: Erfahrung und Optimierung Hässig, Wener; Streit, Simon Haustechnik-Kompaktgeräte - Erkenntnisse aus dem praktischen Einsatz im kommerziell orientierten Geschosswohnungsbau in Passihausqualität 93 Ventilation: Experience and optimization Compact building service units in residential complexes: Measurements and experience 93
2012 16 Lüftung: Erfahrung und Optimierung Krauß, Bernd MFH Lustenau Wiesenrain: höchste Lüftungseffizienz durch neue Regelungs-Komponenten 99 Ventilation: Experience and optimization Lustenau Wiesenrain Complex: New control components provide utmost ventilation efficiency 99
2012 16 Lüftung: Erfahrung und Optimierung Kah, Oliver Optimierung der Antriebsenergien bei bedarfsgeführter Lüftung 105 Ventilation: Experience and optimization Optimizing drive energy for ventilation based on demand 105
2012 16 Cold climates Hasper, Wolfgang Passivhäuser in kalten Klimata 113 Cold climates Passive House in cold climates 113
2012 16 Cold climates Coulson, Carly NewenHouse: Cost Effective, Sustainable, Healthy, Passive House Kit Home for Cold Climates 119 Cold climates NewenHouse: Cost Effective, sustainable, healthy, Passive House Kit Home for cold climates 119
2012 16 Cold climates Pearson, Alexander Defining the energy efficiency design envelope for regional Scottish Passivhaus dwellings 125 Cold climates Defining the energy efficiency design envelope for regional Scottish Passivhaus dwellings 125
2012 16 Cold climates Wesslund, Tommy; Kreutzer, Simone Passivhaus-Tennishalle - Stefan Edberg für aktiven Klimaschutz in Schweden 131 Cold climates Passive House tennis hall - Stefan Edberg promotes active climate protection in Sweden 131
2012 16 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian Passive House and high design architecture 139 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Passive House and high design architecture 139
2012 16 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Hermans, Thibaut Brussels 2007-2011: From 0 to 250,000m² of Passive House buildings. How is it possible? 145 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Brussels 2007-2011: From 0 to 250,000m² of Passive House buildings. How is it possible? 145
2012 16 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Barry, Bronwyn; Simmons, Kristen Evolution of the grassroots Passive House community in the US - A tale of four regions 151 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Evolution of the grassroots Passive House community in the US - A tale of four regions 151
2012 16 A Passive House to fit in a specific region Simmonds, Andrew EnerPHit UK case study: lessons for UK Green Deal Programme 157 A Passive House to fit in a specific region EnerPHit UK case study: lessons for UK Green Deal Programme 157
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude Felkner, Michael AlpSeeHaus - Nachhaltigkeit und Energiesparen am Beipiel eines Naturparkhauses 165 Non-residential buildings AlpSeeHaus - Sustainability and energy conservation in a case study of a natural park building 165
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude Grobe, Carsten Nichtwohngebäude als wirtschaftliche Plusenergiehäuser 171 Non-residential buildings Non-residential buildings as affordable plus-energy buildings 171
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude Berner, Florian Werte und Werkzeuge 177 Non-residential buildings Values and tools 177
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude Herz, Dieter; Lang, Florian; Blaas, Joachim; Schmerker, Simon Passivhotels, eine Erfolgsgeschichte 183 Non-residential buildings Passive hotels - a success story 183
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude Bretzke, Axel Weniger Aufwand ist mehr Qualität im Passivhaus 189 Non-residential buildings Greater quality from simplicity in Passive Houses 189
2012 16 Leuchtturm-Regionen weisen den Weg Hansen, Meinhard Wie überzeugt man eine Kommune vom Passivhaus? 197 Lighthouse regions show the way How to convince a municipality about Passive Houses 197
2012 16 Leuchtturm-Regionen weisen den Weg Wüsten, Estelle Passivhaus-Standard in der Stadt Frankfurt. Erfahrungen in Planung und Betrieb 203 Lighthouse regions show the way The Passive House Standard in the City of Frankfurt - Experience in planning and management 203
2012 16 Leuchtturm-Regionen weisen den Weg Friemert, Peter-M.; Beckmannshagen, Lars Passivhauszertifizierung und Qualitätssicherung: Markterkenntnisse in Hamburg 209 Lighthouse regions show the way Passive House certification and quality assurance: Market insights in Hamburg 209
2012 16 Leuchtturm-Regionen weisen den Weg Großhans, Stefan Erfahrungen beim Bau von Passivhäsuern im Landesbau 215 Lighthouse regions show the way Experience in building Passive Houses in state-owned buildings 215
2012 16 Leuchtturm-Regionen weisen den Weg Bähr, Annette; Grübbel, Bianca Passivhausstandard bei PublicPrivatePartnership (PPP) Projekten 221 Lighthouse regions show the way Passive House Standard in public-private partnership (PPP) projects 221
2012 16 Costs and cost efficiency Stanford, Jonah Breaking the cost barrier 229 Costs and cost efficiency Breaking the cost barrier 229
2012 16 Costs and cost efficiency Cohen, Adam J. Realizing full potential in the United States. Commercial Passivhaus construction makes sense (dollars and cents)! 235 Costs and cost efficiency Realizing full potential in the US Commercial Passivhaus makes sense (dollars and cents)! 235
2012 16 Costs and cost efficiency Miščević, Ljubomir The first ten realizations of Passive Houses in Croatia - experience in design, construction and financing 241 Costs and cost efficiency The first ten realizations of Passive Houses in Croatia - experience in design, construction and financing 241
2012 16 Costs and cost efficiency Newmann, Nick; Whidborne, Richard A line by line cost comparison between a Passive House and a house built to comply with current UK building regulations 247 Costs and cost efficiency A line by line cost comparison between a Passive House and a house built to comply with current UK building regulations 247
2012 16 Costs and cost efficiency Hines, Jonathan Delivering the UK's first passivhaus school at no extra cost 253 Costs and cost efficiency Delivering the UK's first passivhaus school at no extra cost 253
2012 16 Expert discussion Hennicke, Peter; Moore, Christopher; Shritu, Shrestha Relationship between passive house concept and green buildings 261 Expert discussion Relationship between passive house concept and green buildings 261
2012 16 Expert discussion Musall, Eike; Voss, Karsten The Passive House concept as suitable basis towards Net Zero Energy Buildings 271 Expert discussion The Passive House concept as suitable basis towards Net Zero Energy Buildings 271
2012 16 Expert discussion Grant, Nick Is net zero the right target for buildings? 277 Expert discussion Is net zero the right target for buildings? 277
2012 16 Expert discussion Krick, Benjamin Nachhaltige Energieversorgung von Gebäuden 283 Expert discussion Supplying buildings with sustainable energy 283
2012 16 Expert discussion Ochs, Fabian; Bianchi, Michele; Längle, Kai; Krimbacher, Christina Pilot Project „Aktivhaus“-residential estate in Kramsach, Austria 293 Expert discussion Pilot Project „Aktivhaus“-residential estate in Kramsach, Austria 293
2012 16 Expert discussion Tywoniak, Jan; Kopecký, Pavel Passive and Zero-Energy-Buildings: on the way in the same direction 299 Expert discussion Passive and Zero-Energy-Buildings: on the way in the same direction 299
2012 16 Expert discussion Thiel, Christoph Elektromobilität in Passivhäuser integrieren 305 Expert discussion Integration of Electric Mobility into Passive Houses 305
2012 16 Plenum Fujara, Marianne EU-Projekt: Passivhaus-Regionen versorgt mit erneuerbarer Energie 313 Plenary Session PassREg - Regions lead the way towards EU climate goals 313
2012 16 Plenum Schnieders, Jürgen Passivhäuser weltweit - technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte 321 Plenary Session Passive Houses in various climate zones - technical and economic aspects 321
2012 16 Plenum Krick, Benjamin; Feist, Wolfgang Klimazonenkriterien für Passivhaus geeignete transparent Bauteile 327 Plenary Session Passive House requirements for transparent components in various regions of the Earth 327
2012 16 Plenum Schulz, Tanja; Zieba, Anna Bewertung von Wand- und Dachaufbauten in verschiedenen Klimazonen mit Hilfe hygrothermischer Simulationen 335 Plenary Session Assessment of wall and roof constructions in various climate zones based on hygrothermal simulations 335
2012 16 Plenum Pfluger, Rainer Klimaabhängige Dimensionierung der Luftwechselrate und Feuchterückgewinnung - Regionale Auslegungsempfehlungen aus globalen Klimadaten 341 Plenary Session Climate-dependent dimensioning of air exchange rates and moisture recovery - regional design recommendations based on global climate data 343
2012 16 Plenum Li, Min The influence of boundary conditions in China on Passive House Standard 347 Plenary Session The influence of boundary conditions in China on Passive House Standard 349
2012 16 Sanierungen zum Passivhaus Brunn, Martin Vom Altbau zum Plusenergie Haus 355 Passive House renovations From old buildings to Plus-Energy Buildings 357
2012 16 Sanierungen zum Passivhaus Ronacher, Herwig Metamorphose eines historischen Bauernhauses zu einem Passivhaus und Energie Plus Haus 361 Passive House renovations Metamorphosis of an historic farmhouse to a Passive House and a Plus-Energy house 363
2012 16 Sanierungen zum Passivhaus Steinmüller, Bernd Rathaussanierung mit Passivhausstandard Richtung Null: wirtschaftliches, nachhaltiges Unterfangen? 367 Passive House renovations Bringing the Passive House Standard down to zero in a City Hall renovation: Will it pay for itself in the long run? 369
2012 16 Sanierungen zum Passivhaus Külich, Alexander Wohnkomfort, Lüftung, Bauphysik - Passivhaussanierung eines Reihenendhauses 373 Passive House renovations Residential comfort, ventilation, and building physics - Passive House renovation of a terminal row house 375
2012 16 Sanierungen zum Passivhaus Ludwig, Sebastian; Kühl, Lars AS Solar Hannover: Plusenergie-Industriegebäude im Bestand 379 Passive House renovations AS Solar, Hannover - existing plus-energy industrial building 381
2012 16 Holz- oder Massivhausbau - Beides ist möglich! Oehler, Stefan Klima Neutrales Wohnhaus 389 Timber or solid construction - both are possible! Climate-neutral residential buildings 389
2012 16 Holz- oder Massivhausbau - Beides ist möglich! von Heeren, Stefanie; Kiehl, Carmen Einfamilienhaus in Hybridbauweise 395 Timber or solid construction - both are possible! Hybrid construction in single-family homes 395
2012 16 Holz- oder Massivhausbau - Beides ist möglich! Horn, Gerrit Kostengünstige Holzbaukonstruktionen für Passivhäuser 401 Timber or solid construction - both are possible! Inexpensive timbered structures for Passive Houses 401
2012 16 Holz- oder Massivhausbau - Beides ist möglich! Waldeck, Dietmar; Leiter, Alois; Lugger, Klaus Mehrgeschossiger Holzwohnbau als Passivhaus 407 Timber or solid construction - both are possible! Multi-story timbered residential Passive House 407
2012 16 Holz- oder Massivhausbau - Beides ist möglich! Friedl, Werner Praxisgerechtes Konstruieren mit funktionsgetrennten Bauteilaufbauten im Massivbau 413 Timber or solid construction - both are possible! Practiacl design with functionally seperate building subcomponents in solid construction 413
2012 16 Warm and hot climates Theumer, Susanne Passive House in warm climates 421 Warm and hot climates Passive House in warm climates 421
2012 16 Warm and hot climates Prieto, Silvia; Bunyesc, Josep Passive House in a Mediterranean climate 427 Warm and hot climates Passive House in a Mediterranean climate 427
2012 16 Warm and hot climates Oettl, Fritz The green Austrian Embassy in Indonesia 433 Warm and hot climates The green Austrian Embassy in Indonesia 433
2012 16 Warm and hot climates Kaufmann, Berthold; Lepp, Laszlo; Schnieders, Jürgen; Schulz, Tanja; Feist, Wolfgang Herausforderung Kühlung und Entfeuchtung? Ein Passivhaus für feuchtwarme Regionen: Südchina 439 Warm and hot climates A Passive House for hot and humid Southern China 439
2012 16 Warm and hot climates Ott Reinisch, Irene Klimatische Rahmenbedingungen und Optionen für die Umsetzung von Passivhäusern in Bhutan, Asien 445 Warm and hot climates Climatic conditions and options for Passive House Technology in Bhutan, Himalaya, Asia 445
2012 16 Tools for planning Passive Houses Imkeller-Benjes, Ulrich; Kurtze, Sonja Design of Plus Energy Buildings based on PHPP 453 Tools for planning Passive Houses Design of Plus Energy Buildings based on PHPP 453
2012 16 Tools for planning Passive Houses Henriksen, Kristian; Romby Larsen, Martin Integrating PHPP with BIM 459 Tools for planning Passive Houses Integrating PHPP with BIM 459
2012 16 Tools for planning Passive Houses Röthele, Erik Energy consulting with PHPP 465 Tools for planning Passive Houses Energy consulting with PHPP 465
2012 16 Tools for planning Passive Houses Heiduk, Ernst Methodology for a software tool to integrate erection and lifecycle cost in architectural competition 471 Tools for planning Passive Houses Methodology for a software tool to integrate erection and lifecycle cost in architectural competition 471
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude: Schulen und Krankenhäuser Lütkemeyer, Ingo Nachhaltiger Schulbau mit Zukunft 479 Non-residential buildings: schools and hospitals Sustainable school buildings with future 479
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude: Schulen und Krankenhäuser Michel, Ute; Behme, Markus; Grobe, Carsten Sportinternat: Nachhaltigkeitskriterien und Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Heizwärmezuführungen 485 Non-residential buildings: schools and hospitals Sustainability criteria and a study of different heat delivery methods in a sports boardingschool 485
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude: Schulen und Krankenhäuser Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick Passivhaus school kitchens 491 Non-residential buildings: schools and hospitals Passivhaus school kitchens 491
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude: Schulen und Krankenhäuser Rongen, Ludwig Neubau der Psychiatrischen Tageskliniken des LVR in Köln-Chorweiler 497 Non-residential buildings: schools and hospitals New building at the LVR Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics in Köln-Chorweiler 497
2012 16 Nichtwohngebäude: Schulen und Krankenhäuser Schumacher, Roland Krankenhaus in Passivhausbauweise - Randbedingungen für die Planung 503 Non-residential buildings: schools and hospitals Passive House hospitals - boundary conditions for the design 503
2012 16 Lüftung und Luftdichtheit Bräunlich, Kristin Energetische Bewertung von Großlüftungsanlagen - erste Ergebnisse aus der Zertifizierung 511 Ventilation and airtightness Energy assessments of large ventilation systems - the first findings from certification 511
2012 16 Lüftung und Luftdichtheit Schöberl, Helmut; Hofer, Richard Wartungskosten minus 517 Ventilation and airtightness Negative maintenance costs 517
2012 16 Lüftung und Luftdichtheit Kah, Oliver Infiltration und Wärmeverlust an hochfrequentierten Eingangsbereichen 523 Ventilation and airtightness Infiltration and heat losses in highly frequented entrance areas 523
2012 16 Lüftung und Luftdichtheit Peper, Søren; Bangert, Armin; Bastian, Zeno Einbindung von Holzbalkenköpfen in die luftdichte Ebene 531 Ventilation and airtightness Inserting the end of wooden beams in the airtight layer 531
2012 16 Lüftung und Luftdichtheit Walther, Wilfried Strategien von Planung und Ausführung der Luftdichtheit von Steildächern im Bestand 537 Ventilation and airtightness Strategies for planning and implementation of airtightness on existing sloped roofs 537
2012 16 Retrofits Bere, Justin Operational performance of a Community Centre in London refurbished to the Passivhaus standard 545 Retrofits Operational performance of a Community Centre in London refurbished to the Passivhaus standard 545
2012 16 Retrofits James, Mary Deep Energy Retrofits in the San Francisco Bay Area: Measuring Success 551 Retrofits Deep energy retrofits in the San Francisco Bay Area: Measuring Success 551
2012 16 Retrofits Seo, Ji-won The methods for Passive Renovation, suitable for Korean apartments 557 Retrofits The methods for Passive Renovation, suitable for Korean apartments 557
2012 16 Retrofits Cohen, Robert; Prewett, Robert C80 Retrofit: Measuring is believing 563 Retrofits C80 Retrofit: Measuring is believing 563
2012 16 Retrofits Willem, Julie; Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian Experiance in non-residential building renovations in Brussels and „Real“ zero energy 569 Retrofits Experiance in non-residential building renovations in Brussels and „Real“ zero energy 569
2012 16 Projects, materials and components Colclough, Shane; Clark, Joshua; McLeskey Jr., James t.; Griffiths, Philip One Passivhaus search for zero carbon 577 Projects , materials and components One Passivhaus search for zero carbon 577
2012 16 Projects, materials and components Jun, Bokyung From Nothing to Zero - Passive House in Korea 583 Projects , materials and components From nothing to zero - Passive House in Korea 583
2012 16 Projects, materials and components Björn, Kierulf PH with prefabricated straw bale panels 589 Projects , materials and components PH with prefabricated straw bale panels 589
2012 16 Projects, materials and components Firlag, Szymon Airtightness of Polish passive and very low-energy buildings - measurement results 595 Projects , materials and components Airtightness of Polish passive and very low-energy buildings - measurement results 595
2012 16 Projects, materials and components Kostka, Antoni New generation of windows: Linear thermal bridge-reduced frames and convection-free insulated glazing 601 Projects , materials and components New generation of windows: Linear thermal bridge-reduced frames and convection-free insulated glazing 601
2012 16 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus - der praktikable Weg zum nachhaltigen Bauen 609 Plenary Session Passive Houses - the practical way to sustainable building 609
2012 16 Poster Anwyl, James In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education building in the UK 625
2012 16 Poster Barry, Bronwyn PHI and NFRC Window testing protocols for the United States - lost in translation? 627
2012 16 Poster Bauer, Martin Lebenszyklusorientierte Projektierung von Sanierungen mit energetischer Bewertung nach PHPP 629
2012 16 Poster Conzelmann, Kenneth Passivhaus: Approaching a net zero energy architecture 631
2012 16 Poster Crema, Luigi Integration of a novel small scale concentrated solar power cogeneration plant in a Passive House 633
2012 16 Poster Grohmann, Erwin Wohnungsweise Lüftung mit Zentraler Plattform über KNX -Schnittstelle 635
2012 16 Poster Günther, Jan Das Passivhaus im Bestand - ein gefördertes Mehrfamilienhaus in Hamburg 637
2012 16 Poster Hall, Monika Embodied energy of net Zero-Energy buildings 639
2012 16 Poster Hässig, Werner Automatisierte Fensterlüftung in Primarschulzimmern - Messungen, Erfahrungen aus einer Pilotinstallation in Zürich 641
2012 16 Poster Hatt, Tobias Passivhäuser in Zentral - Süd-Chile: Eine Parameterstudie 643
2012 16 Poster Heinicke, Robert Erstes Hamburger PH-Nichtwohngebäude: Die Johannes-Krippe in Rissen 645
2012 16 Poster Hughes, David larnród Éireann (Irish Rail) Train Drivers Building 647
2012 16 Poster Kamenders, Agris Cost optimal building performance in renovation 649
2012 16 Poster Krebs, Mark Double Passivhaus in Oslo - Norway 651
2012 16 Poster Lewis, Sarah Comfort benefits for Lonon's first Passivhaus occupants 653
2012 16 Poster Marcelino, João The first Passive House in Portugal: the path to self-sufficiency in energy, water and food 655
2012 16 Poster Mennicken, Titus Enerbuild - Networking in the Alpine space 657
2012 16 Poster Riis Dietz, Søren Brickwork design for Passive Houses - a new building system 659
2012 16 Poster Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel Overflow elements for ventilation of residential buildings: Layout data and design ideas 661
2012 16 Poster Ronacher, Herwig Energieeffizienz für Schwimmbäder und Wellnesseinrichtungen 663
2012 16 Poster Rongen, Ludwig Passivhauswohnanlagen Geilenkirchen-Waurichen 665
2012 16 Poster Siddall, Mark Satisfying the Passivhaus Standard: A UK context 667
2012 16 Poster Stoian, Dan A Passive House in western Romania - an affordable Passive House 669
2012 16 Poster Thodesen, Bridget The passive green roof: The micro and macro of energy effiency and climatic adaptability 671
2012 16 Anwyl, James Poster In use performance of the 1st Passivhaus education building in the UK 623
2012 16 Barry, Bronwyn Poster PHI and NFRC Window testing protocols for the United States - lost in translation? 625
2012 16 Conzelmann, Kenneth Poster Passivhaus: Approaching a net zero energy architecture 627
2012 16 Crema, Luigi Poster Integration of a novel small scale concentrated solar power cogeneration plant in a Passive House 629
2012 16 Hall, Monika Poster Embodied energy of net Zero-Energy buildings 631
2012 16 Hughes, David Poster larnród Éireann (Irish Rail) Train Drivers Building 633
2012 16 Kamenders, Agris Poster Cost optimal building performance in renovation 635
2012 16 Krebs, Mark Poster Double Passivhaus in Oslo - Norway 637
2012 16 Lewis, Sarah Poster Comfort benefits for Lonon's first Passivhaus occupants 639
2012 16 Marcelino, João Poster The first Passive House in Portugal: the path to self-sufficiency in energy, water and food 641
2012 16 Mennicken, Titus Poster Enerbuild - Networking in the Alpine space 643
2012 16 Riis Dietz, Søren Poster Brickwork design for Passive Houses - a new building system 645
2012 16 Rojas-Kopeinig, Gabriel Poster Overflow elements for ventilation of residential buildings: Layout data and design ideas 647
2012 16 Siddall, Mark Poster Satisfying the Passivhaus Standard: A UK context 649
2012 16 Stoian, Dan Poster A Passive House in western Romania - an affordable Passive House 651
2012 16 Thodesen, Bridget Poster The passive green roof: The micro and macro of energy effiency and climatic adaptability 653
2011 15 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang 15. Passivhaustagung – Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Foreword 15th Passive House Conference – foreword from the editor 5
2011 15 Grußwort Steixner, Anton Grußwort des Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter 9 Greeting Opening remarks by the Deputy Governor of Tyrol 9
2011 15 Grußwort Oppitz-Plörer, Christine Grußwort der Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Innsbruck 11 Greeting Opening remarks by the Mayor of Innsbruck 11
2011 15 Grußwort Klotz, Arnold Grußwort des Vizerektors der Universität Innsbruck 13 Greeting Opening remarks from the Vice Rector of the University of Innsbruck 13
2011 15 Plenum Dankl, Claudia; Zwerger, Isabella Haus der Zukunft Plus – ein österreichisches Forschungs- und Technologieprogramm 49 Plenary Session ’House of the Future Plus’ – an Austrian research and technology programme 47
2011 15 Plenum Görg, Manfred; Huse, Anne Das Passivhaus: Regional verankert – global wirksam 55 Plenary Session Passive House: regionally based – globally effective 53
2011 15 Plenum Espenberger, Angela; Mekjian, Sarah iPHA: Global denken, lokal handeln 65 Plenary Session iPHA: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally 63
2011 15 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus – global, regional und lokal 73 Plenary Session The Passive House – global, regional, and local 69
2011 15 Passivhäuser in Österreich Rainer, Raimund Passivhauswohnanlage „Urschnerhöfe“ Achenkirch 83 Passive Houses in Austria “Urschner Höfe” Achenkirch Passive House residential complex 79
2011 15 Passivhäuser in Österreich Treberspurg, Martin; Kollmann, Bernhard Wohnhausanlage Vorgartenstraße 89 Passive Houses in Austria The Vorgartenstrasse residential complex in Vienna 85
2011 15 Passivhäuser in Österreich Ploss, Martin Markteinführung von PH in Vorarlberg – Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren 95 Passive Houses in Austria 15 years of the Passive House Standard in Vorarlberg, Austria 91
2011 15 Passivhäuser in Österreich Ronacher, Herwig PH-Potenziale für regionaltypische, ländliche Architektur 101 Passive Houses in Austria Passive House potential in rural, traditional architecture 97
2011 15 Sanierungen mit Passivhaus Komponenten Jank, Reinhard; Osterhage, Tanja, Wolfrum, Klaus Neue Technologien zur Sanierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern im Praxistest: Wohnquartier Karlsruhe-Rintheim 109 Renovating with Passive House components New applied technologies in renovating multifamily homes: The Karlsruhe-Rintheim neighborhood 105
2011 15 Sanierungen mit Passivhaus Komponenten Schulze Darup, Burkhard Projektbericht Sanierung und Passivhaus- Aufstockung MFH Kollwitzstraße 1–17 in Nürnberg 115 Renovating with Passive House components Project report: Renovating and adding a Passive House annex to an apartment building in Kollwitzstrasse 1 – 17, Nuremberg111
2011 15 Sanierungen mit Passivhaus Komponenten Felkner, Michael Energetische Sanierung Reihenmittelhaus mit Vakuumdämmung 121 Renovating with Passive House components Renovating central terraced houses with vacuum insulation 117
2011 15 Sanierungen mit Passivhaus Komponenten Bastian, Zeno EnerPHit-Zertifizierung für die Altbaumodernisierung mit Passivhaus-Komponenten - Erste Erfahrungen 127 Renovating with Passive House components EnerPHit certification for building modernisation with Passive House components: Initial experience 123
2011 15 The Passive House Standard in North America Zhivov, Alexander; Zielke, Georg; Carpio, Daniel Towards Low Energy Buildings and Building Clusters - Analysis for US Army Installations 135 The Passive House Standard in North America Towards Low Energy Buildings and Building Clusters - Analysis for US Army Installations 131
2011 15 The Passive House Standard in North America Irwin, Graham New Frontiers – Implementation of Passive House in California 143 The Passive House Standard in North America New Frontiers – Implementation of Passive House in California 139
2011 15 The Passive House Standard in North America Kando, Paul; Belknap, Topher Passivhaus and a Gradual Approach to Energy Efficiency in Maine 149 The Passive House Standard in North America Passivhaus and a Gradual Approach to Energy Efficiency in Maine 145
2011 15 The Passive House Standard in North America Coulson, Carly Passive House & LEED®: A School Building in Minnesota Case Study 155 The Passive House Standard in North America Passive House & LEED®: A School Building in Minnesota Case Study 151
2011 15 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret Vallentin, Gernot Effektive Holzbau Konstruktionen für Low- Budget Passivhäuser 163 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret Effective wooden construction for low budget Passive Houses 159
2011 15 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret Miščević, Ljubomir From the unique item to prefabricated wooden passive house 169 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret From the unique item to prefabricated wooden Passive House 165
2011 15 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret Armand-Decker S.; Bruneau D.; Lagière P.; Lopez J. New passive solutions for summer comfort and timber housing in French Atlantic climate 175 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret New passive solutions for summer comfort and timber housing in Atlantic climate 171
2011 15 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret Gantioler, Günther The ‘Case Sabin’ - a Passive House apartment building in solid concrete 181 Discussing Materials: Wooden or/and concret The ‘Case Sabin’ - a Passive House apartment building in solid concrete 177
2011 15 Energieversorgung im Passivhaus – Beispiele und Erfahrungen Strauß, Rolf-Peter Solarthermie oder Solarstrom-Mikrowärmepumpe? 189 Energy supply in Passive Houses – Examples and experience Solar thermal or micro heat pump with solar power? 185
2011 15 Energieversorgung im Passivhaus – Beispiele und Erfahrungen Kapferer, Roland; Wagner, Waldemar; Pfluger, Rainer; Ochs, Fabian; Suschek-Berger, Jürgen; Braito, Michael Messtechnische Evaluierung Passivhauswohnanlage Lodenareal / Innsbruck: Präsentation erster Ergebnisse 195 Energy supply in Passive Houses – Examples and experience Evaluating measurements from the Lodenareal Passive House residential complex in Innsbruck 191
2011 15 Energieversorgung im Passivhaus – Beispiele und Erfahrungen Zimmermann, Mark SELF das unabhängige Haus 201 Energy supply in Passive Houses – Examples and experience SELF – The independent building 197
2011 15 Energieversorgung im Passivhaus – Beispiele und Erfahrungen Preisler, Anita Wie sinnvoll ist solarthermische Heizungsunterstützung für Passivhaus-Bürogebäude? 207 Energy supply in Passive Houses – Examples and experience How useful is solar thermal support for heating systems in Passive House office buildings? 203
2011 15 Energieversorgung im Passivhaus – Beispiele und Erfahrungen Schöberl, Helmut Hocheffiziente Bürogeräte für Passivhäuser 213 Energy supply in Passive Houses – Examples and experience Highly efficient office equipment for Passive House buildings 209
2011 15 Städtebau und Sanierungen Kirscht, Elisabeth Aktiv mit Passivhäusern zum zero:e park Hannover 221 Urban planning and renovations The zero:e park: Active with Passive Houses 217
2011 15 Städtebau und Sanierungen Remund, Jan; Gantioler, Günther Das Passivhaus im Klimawandel: erwartete Änderungen der Heiz- und Kühllasten 227 Urban planning and renovations Passive Houses and climate change 223
2011 15 Städtebau und Sanierungen Mathoy, Klaus Renovierung und Umbau eines denkmalgeschützten Gebäudes im Passivhaus-Standard 233 Urban planning and renovations Renovation of a heritage building in the Passive House Standard 229
2011 15 Städtebau und Sanierungen Künzel, Kay NEW: nachhaltig energieeffizient wirtschaftlich - Sanierung eines Wohngebäudes von 1954 zum zertifizierten PH 239 Urban planning and renovations NEW: nachhaltig energieeffizient wirtschaftlich (sustainable, energy efficient, affordable) - Renovating a residential building from 1954 to a certified PH 235
2011 15 Städtebau und Sanierungen Baumgärtner, Cornelia; Schulz, Tanja Auswirkungen energetischer Sanierungen auf die thermische Behaglichkeit in Wohngebäuden 245 Urban planning and renovations Effects of energy efficient renovations on thermal comfort in residential buildings 241
2011 15 Non-residential buildings Mertenová, Kateřina; Plöderl, Heinz Energy independent revitalisation of an industrial area 253 Non-residential buildings Energy independent revitalisation of an industrial area 249
2011 15 Non-residential buildings Hasper, Wolfgang Sommerverhalten von Passivhaus Nichtwohngebäuden 259 Non-residential buildings Summer response in non-residential Passive House buildings 255
2011 15 Non-residential buildings Huenchuñir, Marcelo Bank building in Santiago, Chile 265 Non-residential buildings Bank building in Santiago, Chile 261
2011 15 Non-residential buildings Cho, Jong-Sun The First Passive House Non-residential Building in Korea 271 Non-residential buildings The First Passive House Non-residential Building in Korea 267
2011 15 Non-residential buildings Theumer, Susanne; Schnieders, Jürgen Verkaufsstätten als Passivhaus 277 Non-residential buildings Passive House Retail 273
2011 15 Cost-effectiveness Kaufmann, Berthold; Ebel, Witta Sind Passivhäuser ökonomisch darstellbar(?) 285 Cost-effectiveness Are Passive Houses economically feasible (?) 281
2011 15 Cost-effectiveness Thöne, Jörg Leveraging 3-D Modeling for Streamlining the Design Process and Improving Cost Estimation in Passive House Construction 291 Cost-effectiveness Leveraging 3-D Modeling for Streamlining the Design Process and Improving Cost Estimation in Passive House Construction 287
2011 15 Cost-effectiveness Pfluger, Rainer Greater Comfort and Lower Costs with Zoned Passive House Ventilation (Cascade Ventilation) 297 Cost-effectiveness Greater Comfort and Lower Costs with Zoned Passive House Ventilation (Cascade Ventilation) 293
2011 15 Cost-effectiveness Severin, Lenel; Daniel, Kellenberger; Org, Madis Embodied Energy and the MINERGIE building 305 Cost-effectiveness Embodied Energy and the MINERGIE building 299
2011 15 Cost-effectiveness Bere, Justin Cost effective solutions to social housing – comparing the differences between certification by annual heat demand and by peak load 311 Cost-effectiveness Cost effective solutions to social housing – comparing the differences between certification by annual heat demand and by peak load 305
2011 15 Grußwort Gschwentner, Hannes Grußwort des Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreters - Die Passivbauweise ist eine Investition in die Zukunft 319 Greeting Passive Houses are an investment in the future 313
2011 15 Plenum Leiter, Alois; Lugger, Klaus Passivhauswohnanlage O3 - Olympisches Jugenddorf 2012 321 Plenary Session Passive House residential complex as Olympic Youth Village 2012 315
2011 15 Plenum Bermich, Ralf Passivhaus als Standard der Stadtentwicklung – Null-Emissions-Stadtteil Heidelberg-Bahnstadt 327 Plenary Session Passive House as urban development standard for the Heidelberg-Bahnstadt zero-emissions area 321
2011 15 Plenum Rongen, Ludwig; Schnieders, Jürgen Passivhäuser für verschiedene Klimazonen 335 Plenary Session Passive Houses for different climate zones 329
2011 15 Sanierungen - Nichtwohngebäude Kopeinig, Gerhard Drei im Passivhaus-Standard sanierte Schulen im Vergleich 347 Renovating non-residential buildings A comparison of three schools renovated to the Passive House Standard 341
2011 15 Sanierungen - Nichtwohngebäude Endhardt, Martin Brauereigasthof mit Hotel 353 Renovating non-residential buildings Brewery and restaurant with hotel 347
2011 15 Sanierungen - Nichtwohngebäude Hinz, Peter Sanierung eines denkmalgeschützten Wohnhauses aus dem Jahre 1733 zum Passivhaus und Umnutzung zum Büro 359 Renovating non-residential buildings Passive House renovation of a heritage home from 1733 and its conversion to an office 353
2011 15 Sanierungen - Nichtwohngebäude Rongen, Ludwig Energetische Sanierung des Gymnasiums der Stadt Baesweiler auf Passivhaus-Standard 365 Renovating non-residential buildings Renovation of the Baesweiler municipal high school to the Passive House Standard 359
2011 15 Neues zum Thema Lüftung Lange, Gerald Darstellung unterschiedlicher Luftverteilsysteme im Wohnungsbau 373 The latest on ventilation A presentation of various air distribution systems in residential buildings 367
2011 15 Neues zum Thema Lüftung Drexel, Christof Elektrische Frostfreihaltung: bis zu 90 % Energieeinsparung durch zyklisches Vorwärmen 379 The latest on ventilation Frost protection units: Up to a 90 percent energy savings through cyclical preheating 373
2011 15 Neues zum Thema Lüftung Reiter, Olaf Brandschutz contra Lüftung ? 385 The latest on ventilation Fire protection versus ventilation? 379
2011 15 Neues zum Thema Lüftung Kah, Oliver Luftwechsel und Luftqualität in sanierten Wohnungen mit konventioneller Fensterlüftung und mit kontrollierter Lüftung 391 The latest on ventilation Air exchange and air quality in renovated apartments with conventional window ventilation and with controlled ventilation 385
2011 15 Passive Houses all over the world Vallentin, Gernot Kooperation Passivhaus zwischen Planern in Korea and Deutschland 399 Passive Houses all over the world Cooperation Passive House between planners in Korea and Germany 393
2011 15 Passive Houses all over the world Lewis, Sarah Camden Passivhaus, London’s First Passivhaus 405 Passive Houses all over the world Camden Passivhaus, London’s First Passivhaus 399
2011 15 Passive Houses all over the world Kamenders, Agris; Krauklis, Ervīns; Blumberga, Andra Cost optimality and EnerPHit standard in Latvia 411 Passive Houses all over the world Cost optimality and EnerPHit standard in Latvia 405
2011 15 Passive Houses all over the world Kreutzer, Simone Passivhäuser zwischen dem 55. und 69. Breitengrad 417 Passive Houses all over the world Passive Houses between the 55th and the 69th parallel 411
2011 15 Deep energy retrofitting Witchalls, Benoit Lessons learnt from applying Passivhaus principles to a historical barn conversion 425 Deep energy retrofitting Lessons learnt from applying Passivhaus principles to a historical barn conversion 419
2011 15 Deep energy retrofitting Wörndle, Barbara Renovating a multi-family home in Eppan, Italy: The courage to start over 431 Deep energy retrofitting Renovation of an apartment building in Eppan, Italy: The courage to start over again 425
2011 15 Deep energy retrofitting Schild, Robert Sanierung einer Einzelwohnung auf Passivhaus-Niveau 437 Deep energy retrofitting Renovation of a single apartment to the Passive House Standard 431
2011 15 Deep energy retrofitting Großklos, Marc Fassadendämmung aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen für Mehrfamilienhäuser im Bestand 443 Deep energy retrofitting Biomass façade insulation for existing multi-family dwellings 437
2011 15 Nichtwohngebäude im Passivhaus-Standard Gollwitzer, Esther; Grove-Smith, Jessica Planungsaspekte für öffentliche Hallenbäder 451 Non-residential buildings in the Passive House Standard Planning aspects for indoor public pools 445
2011 15 Nichtwohngebäude im Passivhaus-Standard Ronacher, Herwig Passivhaus-Schwimmbäder aus Holz 457 Non-residential buildings in the Passive House Standard Wooden Passive House pools 451
2011 15 Nichtwohngebäude im Passivhaus-Standard Rainer, Raimund Agrarzentrum West, Imst, Baustufe 3 463 Non-residential buildings in the Passive House Standard Agrarian center West, Imst, third construction stage 457
2011 15 Nichtwohngebäude im Passivhaus-Standard Steinmüller, Bernd Passivhaus-Sporthalle Sande - Vorbildlich auf Sand bauen? 469 Non-residential buildings in the Passive House Standard The Sande Passive House gymnasium – An example for building on sand? 463
2011 15 Nichtwohngebäude im Passivhaus-Standard Nordhoff, Andreas Heime - Erfahrungsbericht 475 Non-residential buildings in the Passive House Standard Experience with retirement homes 469
2011 15 Gebäudehülle, Dämmung und Komponenten Thiel, Christoph Passivhäuser mit Klinkerschale 483 Building envelope, insulation and components Passive Houses with clinker façades 477
2011 15 Gebäudehülle, Dämmung und Komponenten Oberrauch, Bernhard Steinmauern in Passivbauweise - Altbausanierung & Neubau 489 Building envelope, insulation and components Passive house masonry walls – Renovations and new builds 483
2011 15 Gebäudehülle, Dämmung und Komponenten Pfluger, Rainer; Andreatta, Andreas; Feist, Wolfgang; Adam, Dietmar; Steurer, Armin Glasschaumgranulat als Wärmedämmung unter lastabtragenden Bauteilen 495 Building envelope, insulation and components Glass foam granulate as insulation under loadbearing components 489
2011 15 Gebäudehülle, Dämmung und Komponenten Peper, Søren; Schnieders, Jürgen; Ochs, F.; Feist, Wolfgang Monitoring: Passivhaus mit saisonalem Solarspeicher im Erdreich unter der Bodenplatte 501 Building envelope, insulation and components Monitoring: Passive House with seasonal sub floor slab solar storage 495
2011 15 Gebäudehülle, Dämmung und Komponenten Eberlein, Jürgen; Bellan, Matthias Neue Multifunktions- und Spezialtüren in Passivhaus-zertifizierter Qualität mit CE-Konformität 507 Building envelope, insulation and components New multi-functional and special purpose doors with Passive House certified quality and CE conformity 501
2011 15 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Jedliczka, Günther Passive houses for active students 515 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Passive Houses for Active Students 509
2011 15 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Cohen, Adam J. Construction and Monitoring of the First US Passivhaus Public School Building 521 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Construction and Monitoring of the First US Passivhaus Public School Building 515
2011 15 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Bayer, Johannes; Donaubauer, Johannes; Maderspacher,Johannes; Krause, HaraldEnergy Concept and Technology in the Rosenheim Solar Decathlon House 527 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Energy Concept and Technology in the Rosenheim Solar Decathlon House 521
2011 15 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Brew, James Scott A Passive House Revisited – 27 Years Later 533 Students, Schools and Passive Houses A Passive House Revisited – 27 Years Later 527
2011 15 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Lynch, Henrietta; Priebe, Kirsten; Johannson, Lasse Passivhaus dwellings, “The Works” at Ebbw Vale 539 Students, Schools and Passive Houses Building ‘The Works’ Passive House at Ebbw Vale 533
2011 15 Research and Examples Knecht, Thomas; Khabelashvili, Shota Single-family home Butovo – The first certified Passive House in Russia 545 Research and Examples Single-family house Butovo – The first certified Passive House in Russia 539
2011 15 Research and Examples Praznik, Miha The results, characteristics and experience of passive residential construction in Slovenia 551 Research and Examples The results, characteristics and experience of passive residential construction in Slovenia 545
2011 15 Research and Examples Butcher, Bill Passivhaus and cavity wall construction 557 Research and Examples Passivhaus and cavity wall construction 551
2011 15 Research and Examples Kierulf, Bjørn Examples of technical solutions in various regions of Slovakia 563 Research and Examples Examples of technical solutions in various regions of Slovakia 557
2011 15 Research and Examples Krick, Benjamin; Feist, Wolfgang; Schnieders, Jürgen Funktionale Beschreibung von Passivhäusern – eine klimaunabhängige Definition 569 Research and Examples Functional specifications for Passive Houses – A definition for all climates 563
2011 15 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus – ein Prinzip, vielfältige regionale Lösungen 577 Plenary Session Passive Houses – one principle, many regional solutions 571
2011 15 Poster Lucke, Eleanor Nichts ist unmöglich – Passivhausstandard im Geschosswohnungsbau unter schwierigen Bedingungen - Naxos-Areal Frankfurt am Main 585
2011 15 Poster Huber, Manfred; Gassmann, Stefan; Kriege-Steffen, Andreas Variantenvergleich Erneuerung oder Ersatzneubau unter Berücksichtigung des Primärenergiebedarfs inkl. graue Energie 589
2011 15 Poster Gerhards, Christoph Passivhäuser als „klimaneutrale Gebäude“ 591
2011 15 Poster Hasper, Wolfgang Begleitmessung Aufgesprühte Zellulose-Innendämmung 593
2011 15 Poster Huber, Bruno Gebäudeerweiterung mit Holz und Sonnenenergie 595
2011 15 Poster Kiraly, Josef Vom 1. Sonnenhaus Tirols zum Passivhaus 597
2011 15 Poster Krick, Benjamin Neue Zertifizierungskriterien für Passivhaus geeignete transparente Bauteile 599
2011 15 Poster Lang, Günter Nichtwohngebäude gemäß EU-Gebäuderichtlinie 603
2011 15 Poster Leindecker, Herbert C. Tools zur Qualitätsoptimierung – Präsentation einer neuen Datenbank 605
2011 15 Poster Leindecker, Herbert C. Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen der Innenraumluft im Passivhaus am Beispiel Radon 607
2011 15 Poster Matzig, Roland Sanierung Wohn- und Geschäftshaus < 15 kWh/(m²a) 609
2011 15 Poster Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael Luftdichtheitsmessung im 1. Passivhaus Chinas 611
2011 15 Poster Peper, Søren; Schnieders, Jürgen Langzeitmonitoring Passivhaus-Schulen mit Dämmschürzen 613
2011 15 Poster Pundy, Peter; Berger, Tania Leistungsgrenzen und Leistungsumfang von radiativen und evaporativen Kühltechnologien 615
2011 15 Poster Rongen, Ludwig Baukostenvergleich Passivhaus-Standard zum Standard EnEV 2009 am Beispiel der LVRTageskliniken in Köln-Chorweiler 617
2011 15 Poster Schöberl, Helmut Raumweise Temperaturdifferenzierung in Passivhäusern? 619
2011 15 Poster Simons, Paul Begrenzung der Luftdurchlässigkeit bei großen Passivhäusern 621
2011 15 Poster Stuffer, Oscar Ungünstige Rahmenbedingungen und trotzdem ein Passivhaus: Wohnhaus Pillon, Kaltern – Südtirol (I) 623
2011 15 Poster Zapke, Wilfried; Andres, Sven Sanierung einer Sporthalle mit Passivhaus-Elementen 627
2011 15 Poster Winkel, Susanne; Kah, Oliver Leitfaden für energieeffiziente Bildungsgebäude 625
2011 15 Poster Collins, James; Harris-Collins, Anke A Passive House in Montenegro 629
2011 15 Poster Čantrak, Đorđe; Janković, Novica Use of modern measurement and visualization techniques in research of turbulent swirl flow in ventilation systems 631
2011 15 Poster Shima, A Ram; Leea, Ga Ram; Kima, Taeyeon; Leigha, Seung Bok; Moonb, Jin Woo Insulation impact of building envelope on energy consumption in Korean residential buildings 633
2011 15 Poster Mlakar, Jana; Štrancar, Janez Real time temperature and humidity profiles in passive house building blocks 635
2011 15 Poster Stoian, Dan V.; Botea, Ioana B. A Passive House in Western Romania – a case study 637
2011 15 Poster Wallner, Edo; Zbasnik-Senegacnik, Martina; Kilar, Vojko Passive houses in seismically active areas 639
2011 15 Poster Wimmers, Guido; Isaacs, Malcolm; Rohler, Sandra CanPHI – The Canadian Passive House Institute 641
2011 15 Čantrak, Đorđe; Janković, Novica Poster Use of modern measurement and visualization techniques in research of turbulent swirl flow in ventilation systems 579
2011 15 Collins, James; Harris-Collins, Anke Poster A Passive House in Montenegro 581
2011 15 Hasper, Wolfgang Poster Measurements of sprayable cellulose interior insulation 583
2011 15 Lang, Günter Poster Non-residential buildings according to EU building directive 585
2011 15 Mlakar, Jana; Štrancar, Janez Poster Real time temperature and humidity profiles in Passive House building blocks 587
2011 15 Peper, Søren; Schnieders, Jürgen Poster Long-term monitoring: Passive House school with insulation “aprons” 589
2011 15 Rongen, Ludwig Poster Comparison of costs Passivhouse-standard / standard EnEV 2009, using the example of LVRday hospital, Cologne 591
2011 15 Shima, A Ram; Lee, Ga Ram; Kim, Taeyeon; Bok Leigh, Seung; Moon, Jin Woo Poster Insulation impact of building envelope on energy consumption in Korean residential buildings 593
2011 15 Stoian, Dan V.; Botea, Ioana B. Poster A Passive House in Western Romania – a case study 595
2011 15 Stuffer, Oscar Poster Unfavorable basic conditions, but still a Passive House: Residential building Pillon, Kaltern/Caldaro – South Tyrol (I) 597
2011 15 Wallner, Edo; Zbasnik-Senegacnik, Martina; Kilar, Vojko Poster Passive Houses in seismically active areas 599
2011 15 Wimmers, Guido; Isaacs, Malcolm; Rohler, Sandra Poster CanPHI – The Canadian Passive House Institute 601
2011 15 Winkel, Susanne; Kah, Oliver Poster Guidelines for energy-efficient educational buildings 603

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