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Willkommen im Speaker Corner! Hier finden Sie die verschiedenen Vorträge der Passivhaustagung, in denen Passivhaus-Experten ihre Forschungen und Perspektiven zu verschiedenen Themen vorstellen! Die Speaker Corner ist für alle kostenlos. Genießen Sie die Videos unserer Vortragsreihe!

27. International Passive House Conference 2024
Topic Speaker Summary
1 Energieeffiziente Sanierung - JETZT!Wolfgang Feist; Jürgen Schnieders; Jan Steiger Low operating energy consumption of the existing building stock is crucial for climate protection. It also facilitates renewable energy supply. The energy expenditure for production is usually less significant. Many examples demonstrate how exemplary building renovations can be implemented in practice.
2 EnerPHit for a climate-resilient St. Johann (EnerPHit-for-2040) Rainer Pfluger A roadmap to climate neutrality by 2040 was developed for the market town of St. Johann with districtPH. In addition, municipal energy monitoring and the potential offered by EnerPHit building refurbishment, PV expansion and efficiency improvements are presented using the example of the local indoor swimming pool.
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