======A connection to the so called Fermi-Paradox====== Let us consider the widespread speculation that even with classic sub-light speed travel, civilizations willing to expand would spread across an entire galaxy within a few hundred million years (the so-called [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox|Fermi paradox]]). The entire utopia here is very much oriented towards an anthropocentric fantasy of omnipotence: according to the logic used, however, this would sooner or later lead to massive conflicts between the very colonies created in this way - because they exist independently many light years away from each other, a reasonably coherent cultural development is unlikely under such circumstances. If the urge to expand remains intact (and this is the primary basis for such a physical expansion strategy), the offshoot colonies of such interstellar expansion waves will come into conflict with each other. Due to the extreme alienation of the various offshoots that is to be expected in this process, while anthropocentric power configurations continue to exist, enormous destructive forces must be expected. According to this analysis, only those civilizations that have appropriately developed ethics can survive a classic interstellar expansion (without faster-than-light communication) in the long term. Such an ethic would have the protection of life and life development of all systems capable of consciousness at its center. Incidentally, it is interesting to note the connection that arises here with the discussion of animal welfare. This discussion provides a fairly straightforward explanation of the so-called Fermi paradox: Interstellar space travel with an appreciable material effect is extremely costly and only does not lead to self-destruction for a civilization if it is linked to a protective ethic; however, this ethic very probably prohibits excessive and uncontrolled expansion in an entire galaxy.\\ \\ Find a youtube-video that is expressing the same consideration: {{https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gq77HquPJpo|"Urge to colonize THAT urgent."}}.